Types of Session

ROlfing(about 90min)¥15,000

Rolfing is a method to realign a body through 10 sessions. What we do in Rolfing session is to balance the body by hands-on work and to educate efficient movement by various techniques. We divide the body into ten parts, and work on it one by one. The session is spaced one to two weeks apart, and the whole Rolfing session takes about 3~6months. If you are interested in incorporating 3 movement sessions into Rolfing, please let me know beforehand. Everyone who is interested in Rolfing is welcomed.

What to Expect

Session flow

Intake form (first time) → Check in → Assessment → Work → Re-Assessemnt → Closure → Payment (Cash only)

What to wear

Rolfing session - Woman - running shorts and a jog bra or two piece bathing suit or underwear. Men - running shorts or underwear